Research HQ Almelo, the Netherlands

As of June 1, 2022, we have started using our dedicated research center in “de Javatoren” in Almelo. We not only chose “de Javatoren” because of its excellent accessibility (it is less than 150 meters from the Central Station, next to the harbor of Almelo and has ample parking space) but the symbolism behind this location was decisive.
From Java to the JAVA Tower

“De Java-toren” is located on the former Java site, where the cotton from the isle of Java, Jakarta (the birth place and orphanage location of our founder) used to be unloaded by Royal TenCate, and where the processed textiles were loaded for export to the rest of the world. Not only by train or by road, but also by water. The whole site was filled with industry, labor and innovation which lay the foundation of wealth for the modern municipality of Almelo and the eastern part of the Netherlands. As for the fact that Royal TenCate’s corporate management was established in this building, we were therefore immediately enthusiastic when the actual former office of Royal TenCate was offered to us. How nice would it be if we could equally redistribute wealth over the globe from exactly this place? A place where wealth has been amassed for years.
From industrial revolution to circulair economy
We have reused as many elements of the old Royal TenCate office as possible in order to contribute as much as possible to a circular economy and thereby reduce our CO2 footprint. This is also one of the reasons why we maintain our own data centers that consist of large (hypervised k8) clusters with refurbished hardware.

Hyper connected, Low latency

As the tallest building in Almelo and the surrounding area, “de Java-toren” also makes it ideal for our contribution to the Blockstream satellite network and as the master site for our wireless microwave relay skybridge network that functions as an alternative routing to the various nodeQuarters in the world and keeps the distance between the AMS-IX (The Amsterdam internet node) and the NDIX (the Dutch/German internet node), with our Dutch offices in between, as short and straight as possible.

With a fully equiped office-automation / light/audio/climate domotica system
that can turn the office in every ambiance in seconds,
spectacular views from the 11th floor, its own restaurant,
on-site fitness facilities, a game-room, on-prem data center
with dedicated fiber optic connections and of course modern desks,
we facilitate a team of researchers, traders and developers
to enhance the internet of value and distributing wealth more equitably.